Parent Directory | Revision Log
Initial import.
1 | task:ManaЊйr pamмti |
2 | |
3 | T00:Poинtaи |
4 | M00:Informace |
5 | M01:Pшнkaz |
6 | M02: |
7 | M02a:Displej pamмti |
8 | M02b:Aplikace '%0' |
9 | M03:*Pшнkazy F12 |
10 | M04:Pшнkazovй okno ^F12 |
11 | M05:Bщtovбnн poинtaиe |
12 | M06:Konec |
13 | M07:Freeze |
14 | M08:Pшipravit k vypnutн ^ЛF12 |
15 | T01:*Pшнkaz |
16 | M11: |
17 | |
18 | T02:Aplikace |
19 | M12:Konec |
20 | |
21 | P1:The system was previously shut down because the battery charge was exhausted, but the shutdown failed to complete |
22 | P2:The system was previously shut down because the battery charge was exhausted |
23 | P3:Invalid shut down state detected in CMOS |
24 | p:This window tells you why the system was forcibly shut down. |
25 | Boot:|| Desktop boot file, saved at %0|J|J |
26 | |
27 | S:\V\Ќ \Жows\П\Ccre\д\i\µ boot\р.|M |
28 | I:\V\Ќ \Os\@OS version \h\Nits release d\д. |
29 | Hq00/Hs00:%2\жthe\р\т onto\i\H \O\Csave it\e\€ \H. |
30 | Hq01/Hs01:%2Enter the\р\Ь, t\Яdrag the\т\ч\i\H,\b\п\@full \l\Ь\N\ї. |
31 | Hq02/Hs02:%2\Ssav\8\Q via\@full \l\Ь\edic\дd. |
32 | Hq03:%2\S\–not held down. |
33 | Hs03:%2\S\–held down. |
34 | Hq04:%2\Smak\8\Q an 'auto save'\р. \Vmeans tha\±\µ st\д\Ѓbe automatic\Жy saved\ч the\р whenever\П close dow\Т\µ. |
35 | Hs04:%2\Spreven\±\µ st\д\В be\’automatic\Жy saved\ч the\р when\П leav\8\µ. |
36 | Hs??/Hq??:%2 |
37 | |
38 | H:\Ћ\@Task\ѕ \Ќ.|M |
39 | HiFF:\Ћ\@Task\ѕ.|M\S\§Task\ѕ \Ќ. |
40 | H?01:\^\Cse\8OS version \h. |
41 | H?11:\V\Ќ \Os\U\@Operat\’System. |
42 | H?02:\^\Cstart\i\№\в.|M(\Ћ only us\3by programmers.) |
43 | H?12:Enter\@command\сexecuted, t\Я\ї. |
44 | Hi03:\S\м\ТTask\ѕ \Ќ. |
45 | HT03/Ht03:\^\C\м\Тsubmenu\t \в '%0'. |
46 | H?03:\Gyou did not click MENU over\iparticular \в. |
47 | HT13/Ht13:\Sterminat\8\в '%0'. |
48 | H?04:\S\п *Commands a\±bottom\Yscreen.|MP\7Return\nout \п\’any \е\Creturn\Ц\µ. |
49 | H?05:\S\мn\i\№\в \Ќ.|MThis\Ѓ\Жow\П\Ctype *Commands\ni\Т\µ. |
50 | H?06:\^\Ccre\д\i\µ boot\р. |
51 | H?07:\Sexi\±\µ. |
52 | H?08:\Sshut dow\Тmachine, prior\Cturn\’it off. |
53 | HwFF:%2 |
54 | HxFF:%2\Vsec\M \“s\@\вs\€ use \X \І. |
55 | HzFF:%2\Vsec\M \“s\@\вs\€ use module area \І. |
56 | HyFF:%2\Vsec\M \“s how\@\І\e\Пr machine\Эbe\’used. |
57 | HdFF:%2\Vsec\M \“s what Dynamic Areas exist\Nhow much \І they use. |
58 | HTFF:%2\з\в '%0'\Эus\’%1\f\X \І.%3 |
59 | HDFF:%2\зDynamic Area '%0'\Эus\’%1\f\І. |
60 | HtFF:%2\з\в '%0'\Эrunn\’in module space. |
61 | HQFF:%2\зtotal amount\ffree \І\2Module area\Э%1. |
62 | HLFF:%2\зlargest contiguous block\ffree \І\2Module area\Э%1. |
63 | HnFF:%2\зNext slot\ьs free \І\€\Ѓbe given\Цnext \в\сrun (curr\ply %1).%3 |
64 | HfFF:%2\зFree slot\ьs free \І\€\Эnot\2Next slot.%3 |
65 | HSFF/HPFF/HRFF/HFFF/HMFF/HHFF:%2\И%1\Эbe\’used\t\@%0.%3 |
66 | HCFF:%2\И%1\Эus\3as cursor\Nsound workspace. |
67 | HZFF:%2\И%1\Эus\3as system workspace. |
68 | HBFF:%2\И\”e\Э%1\ffree \X \І. |
69 | HUFF:%2\И%1\f\X \І\Эbe\’used. |
70 | HEFF:%2\Иyour machine has\itotal\f%1\fRAM. |
71 | Red:|M\жthe r\3bar\Calter\@\І usage. |
72 | Grn: |
73 | |
74 | E00:TЈ≈wrongУiмs |
75 | E01:Ю find b° |
76 | E02:ыknown |
77 | E04:M] ©V aУ |
78 | E05:To save, dragiм |
79 | a d |
80 | E06:TЈ Иd |
81 | E07:ы Mractive |
82 | |
83 | HTMGDTM:Dы Mr m%зs їњnagemB underD1Doh * ,8. |