TaskID:Budík AlarmID:2.70 (13. Únor 1995) TZSwtch:Přepni mezi %0 a %1 automaticky: Unexp:Neočekávaný problém: %0 (%1) BNF:Corrupt %0 block not freed BNE:Corrupt %0 block not extended ODD1:Block %0: %1 `C:currently selected `a:allows you to `c:that the computer will `d:defer by a number of `r:set the repeat interval to `s:the selected alarm `2:beyond the year 2247 Time01:%%24:%MI Time02:%W3, %ZDY. Time03:%MO Time04:%CE%YR AlarmH2:\TAlarm icon.|M\Sset an alarm. AlarmH3:This \w `aset an alarm. AlarmH5:This \w `achange an alarm. AlarmH6:This \w `aset the clock. AlarmH7:This \w `afind an alarm. AlarmH8:\Wdisplaying an alarm which has gone off. AlarmH9:This \w displays information about Alarm. AlarmHA:\Wthe alarm browser. It `amanipulate the alarms.|MDouble-click \s on an alarm to change it. AlarmHB:This \w `achange the setup for !Alarm. FN1:Výběr FN2:Budíky TitlA1:Nový budík TitlA3:Změn budík TitlA4:Nastav čas TitlA5:Najdi budík IconA4:Nastav IconA5:Najdi ActvA1:Budík byl nastaven na %%24:%MI, ActvA2:Bude opakovat v %%24:%MI, ActvA3:URGENTNÍ! ActvA4:Pozor! ActvA5:Aplikační budík nastaven programem ActvA6:%we, %zdy. %mo %ce%yr. PrntA1:Tohle je aplikační budík nastaven programem %0. PrntA2:Tohle je příkazový budík. Příkaz je: PrntA3:Tenhle budík je urgentní. PrntA4:Budík je nastaven aby opakoval každé %0 %1 v pracujcím týdnu. PrntA5:Budík je nastaven aby opakoval každé %0 %1. PrntA6:%%24:%MI PrntA7:%WE, %ZDY. %MO %CE%YR PrntB1:minuty PrntB2:hodiny PrntB3:dny PrntB4:týdny PrntB5:měsíce PrntB6:roky PrntB7:<Žádný text> PrntB8:Budík pracuje v pracujcím týdnu. PrntB9:Budík je nastaven aby opakoval každý %0. %1 každého %2. měsíce. BrwsA1:Příkazový budík: %0 BrwsA5:Aplikační budík nastaven programem %0 # *************** These strings MUST end with %0. # *************** If they don't, Alarm will crash BrwsA2:%w3,%0 BrwsA3:%zdy. %m3 %ce%yr%0 BrwsA4:%%24:%mi%0 # *************** End of requirement BrwsM1:#Budíky,Nový budík,%0,Vyber všechno,Nevyber nic,Ulož text@,Ulož budíky@ BrwsM2:#%0,Změn %1,Vymaž %1,Okopíruj %1,Ulož text@,Ulož budíky@ BrwsM3:Výběr BrwsM4:výběr BrwsM5:Budík BrwsM6:budík BrwsT3:vymazat vybraný budík? BrwsT4:vymazat vybranné budíky? BHlpA1:\Sset a new alarm. BHlpA2:\Ract upon `s. BHlpA3:\Ract upon `ss. BHlpA4:\Sselect all the alarms. BHlpA5:\Sdeselect all the alarms. BHlpA6:\Robtain a file listing all the set alarms. BHlpA7:\Ssave the alarms in the default file.|M\Rsave the alarms elsewhere. BHlpB1:\Schange `s. BHlpB2:\Schange the first selected alarm. BHlpB3:\Sdelete `s. BHlpB4:\Sdelete `ss. BHlpB5:\Robtain a text file listing `s. BHlpB6:\Robtain a text file listing `ss. BHlpB7:\Robtain a !Alarm file containing `s. BHlpB8:\Robtain a !Alarm file containing `ss. BHlpB9:\Scopy `s. BHlpBA:\Scopy `ss. SHlp0A:\Smake non-urgent alarms quiet. SHlp0B:\Smake non-urgent alarms beep. SHlp1A:\Smake alarms fit into a working week. SHlp1B:\Smake alarms fit into the whole week. SHlp2A:\Shave the alarm database updated automatically. SHlp2B:\Sstop updating the alarm database automatically. SHlp3A:\Sif you want confirmation when deleting alarms. SHlp3B:\Sif you do not want confirmation when deleting alarms. SHlp4A:\Shave an analogue display with a second hand. SHlp5A:\Shave an analogue display without a second hand. SHlp6A:\Shave a digital display of HH:MM. SHlp7A:\Shave a digital display of HH:MM:SS. SHlp8A:\Shave a digital display of the format shown to the right of the pointer. SHlp9A:\Shave !Alarm switch the time between GMT and BST automatically. SHlp9B:\Sprevent !Alarm switching the time between GMT and BST automatically. SHlpAA:\Talarm beep timeout. SHlpBA:\Tuser defined display format. SHlpBB:An example of how the display would look is: SHlpCA:\Ttime `center BST on. SHlpCB:\Ttime `cleave BST on. SHlpDA:\Tdate `center BST on. SHlpDB:\Tdate `cleave BST on. SHlpEA:\Tmonth `center BST in. SHlpEB:\Tmonth `cleave BST in. SHlpFA:\Tyear `center BST in. SHlpFB:\Tyear `cleave BST in. SHlpGA:Click \s for alarms to beep continuously. SHlpGB:Click \s for alarms to stop beeping after the number of seconds specified. SHlpHA:\Sremove this day from the working week. SHlpHB:\Sadd this day to the working week. SHlpIA:\Ssave the chosen settings.|MClose the \w if you don't want to change !Alarm's setup. HelpA3:\T`Ctime at which the alarm will go off. HelpA6:\Smake the alarm urgent. HelpA7:\Smake the alarm non-urgent. HelpA9:\T`Cdate at which the alarm will go off. HelpB4:\T`Cmonth at which the alarm will go off. HelpB7:\T`Cyear at which the alarm will go off. HelpB8:\Sposition the caret.|MUse the cursor keys to move the caret. HelpB9:\Sposition the caret.|MUse the cursor keys to move the caret or press Return to set the alarm. HelpC1:\Smake this a repeating alarm. HelpC2:\Smake this a non-repeating alarm. HelpC3:\S`rminutes. HelpC4:\S`rhours. HelpC5:\S`rdays. HelpC6:\S`rweeks. HelpC7:\S`rmonths. HelpC8:\S`ryears. HelpC9:\Sdecrease the repeat time. HelpD1:\T`Crepeat time. HelpD2:\Sincrease the repeat time. HelpE1:\Smake this a task alarm. HelpE2:\Smake this a normal alarm. HelpE3:\Smake alarms fit into a working week. HelpE4:\Smake alarms fit into a full week. HelpE5:Click MENU to find another alarm. HelpE6:\Smake this a regular repeating alarm. HelpF1:\Schange the offset into the month required. HelpF2:\Schange the day required. HelpF3:\Schange the number of months that should pass between alarms. HelpF4:\T`Coffset into the month. HelpF5:\T`Cday for the alarm to repeat on. HelpF6:\T`Cnumber of months that should pass between alarms. HelpF7:\Smake this a normal repeating alarm. HelpD3:\Sset the alarm to the values you have selected.|MClose the \w if you don't want to set the alarm. HelpD7:\Supdate the alarm settings.|MClose the \w if you don't want to update the alarm settings. ClockA1:\T`Creplacement time for the computer's clock. ClockA2:\Sset the computer's clock to the date and time selected.|MClose the \w if you don't want to change the computer's clock. ClockA3:\T`Creplacement date for the computer's clock. ClockA4:\T`Creplacement month for the computer's clock. ClockA5:\T`Creplacement year for the computer's clock. ClockA7:\Sincrease the hours. ClockA8:\Sdecrease the hours. ClockA9:\Sincrease the minutes. ClockB1:\Sdecrease the minutes. ClockB2:\Sdecrease the date. ClockB3:\Sincrease the date. ClockB4:\Sdecrease the month. ClockB5:\Sincrease the month. ClockB6:\Sdecrease the year. ClockB7:\Sincrease the year. ClockB8:\Sswitch to British Summer Time. ClockB9:\Sswitch to Greenwich Mean Time. FindA1:\T`Ctime for the alarm search. FindA2:\Stry to find an alarm at or after this date & time.|MClose the \w if you don't want to find an alarm. FindA3:\T`Cdate for the alarm search. FindA4:\T`Cmonth for the alarm search. FindA5:\T`Cyear for the alarm search. MenuAL:#Budík,Přijmi budík,Zruš budík,Odlož budík MenuD1:#Kolik?,$ MenuD2:#Odlož budík,Minuty,Hodiny,Dny,Týdny,Měsíce,Roky MenuFI:#Budík,Predešlý budík,Příští budík,Najdi budík MenuMM:#Budík,Informace,Budíky...,Opce...,Nastav čas...,Konec MnuAL1:\Saccept the current alarm. MnuAL2:\Scancel the current alarm. MnuAL3:\Rdefer the current alarm. MnuAM6:\Gyou are currently setting an alarm. MnuAM8:\Gyou are currently changing an alarm. MnuAM9:\Gthere aren't any alarms set. MnuAMA:\Gyou haven't selected any alarms. MnuD11:Enter a defer value and press Return. MnuD21:\R`dminutes. MnuD22:\R`dhours. MnuD23:\R`ddays. MnuD24:\R`dweeks. MnuD25:\R`dmonths. MnuD26:\R`dyears. MnuFI1:\Sgo to the previous alarm. MnuFI2:\Sgo to the next alarm. MnuFI3:\Ssearch for an alarm. MnuFI4:\Gyou aren't unsetting or changing an alarm. MnuFI5:\Gyou are currently setting the clock. MnuMM1:\Rsee information about Alarm. MnuMM3:\Sdisplay the alarm browser. MnuMM4:\Schange Alarm's setup. MnuMM5:\Sset the computer's clock. MnuMM6:\Squit Alarm. MnuMM7:\Gyou are currently finding an alarm. Drg01:This box `asave data in a file, or transfer it to another application. Drg02:Click here to save the data with the current filename. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory first. Drg03:This shows the filename for this data. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display. Drg04:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file, or drag it to the program into which you want to transfer the data. OkayA1:Please install %0, as an application alarm is waiting for it OkayA2:You are already changing an alarm OkayA3:'%0' is not a recognised alarm data file. Have you converted it? OkayA4:You cannot change an alarm while you are setting one OkayA8:%0 - HH:MM format selected OkayB6:You are already setting an alarm OkayB8:You cannot set an alarm while you are changing one OkayB9:Budík už běží OkayC1:To save, drag the icon to a directory display OkayC3:This alarm will not repeat as it would go `2 OkayC4:Deferring the alarm by that amount would take it `2, which is not allowed OkayC5:An application alarm has just been deleted as it repeated `2 OkayC6:The task alarm which just went off has been deleted as it repeated `2 OkayC7:This alarm will not repeat as it OkayC8:would go `2 OkayC9:You must have at least one day in a working week OkayD1:Cannot find Alarm's Code file OkayD2:There is not enough memory available to perform this operation. You need to make %0K more memory available. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. OkayD3:There is not enough memory available to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. Fatal2:Menu area full Fatal3:No more workspace Fatal4:Alarm !Run file is out of date. Either run !Alarm from Apps or re-copy it onto your disc Fatal5:Template '%0' not found Warn:Warning from Alarm File01:unable to close alarm file File02:Unable to create alarm file: %0 File03:Unable to save alarm database: %0 File04:alarm file does not have read and/or write access File05:The alarms cannot be automatically saved because you have not yet set the filename File06:Error while saving alarm database: %0 File07:Unable to load file '%0' because it does not have read access ApplA1:Bad application alarm option ApplA2:Application name too big ApplA3:Application alarm identifier too big ApplA4:Unable to locate specified application alarm FrmtA1:%0 is an unknown % entry in user format FrmtA2:Clock display produced from user format too large FrmtA3:No clock display produced from user format FrmtA4:User format contains an unknown % specifier SR0w1/SR0w2/SR0w3/SR0w4/SR0w5/SR0w6/SR0w7:první SR1w1/SR1w2/SR1w3/SR1w4/SR1w5/SR1w6/SR1w7:druhý SR2w1/SR2w2/SR2w3/SR2w4/SR2w5/SR2w6/SR2w7:třetí SR3w1/SR3w2/SR3w3/SR3w4/SR3w5/SR3w6/SR3w7:poslední SR4w1/SR4w2/SR4w3/SR4w4/SR4w5/SR4w6/SR4w7:předposlední SR5w1/SR5w2/SR5w3/SR5w4/SR5w5/SR5w6/SR5w7:předpředposlední WE1a0/WE1a1/WE1a2/WE1a3/WE1a4/WE1a5:Neděle WE2a0/WE2a1/WE2a2/WE2a3/WE2a4/WE2a5:Pondělí WE3a0/WE3a1/WE3a2/WE3a3/WE3a4/WE3a5:Úterý WE4a0/WE4a1/WE4a2/WE4a3/WE4a4/WE4a5:Středa WE5a0/WE5a1/WE5a2/WE5a3/WE5a4/WE5a5:Čtvrtek WE6a0/WE6a1/WE6a2/WE6a3/WE6a4/WE6a5:Pátek WE7a0/WE7a1/WE7a2/WE7a3/WE7a4/WE7a5:Sobota MR1:první MR2:druhý MR3:třetí MR4:čtvrtý MR5:pátý MR6:šestý MR7:sedmý MR8:osmý MR9:devátý MR10:desátý MR11:jedenáctý MR12:dvanáctý