Tribes 2 Match Log ________________________________________________________________________________ There are two parts to t2matchlog: + logpositiondata.cs is installed on a Tribes 2 server and stores information on each game to a file + t2matchlog is a Perl script which processes these files and produces HTML pages with graphics showing the game ________________________________________________________________________________ Installing logpositiondata.cs Place logpositiondata.cs in tribes2/base/scripts/autoexec and restart the server (under linux, this can be placed in .loki/tribes2 in the home directory of the user which runs the server). Each game will produce a log file in tribes2/base/positiondata. An example file name is 1_CTF_Sanctuary_3. The first number is the game number since the server was restarted, and the last number is to prevent naming conflicts (files will never be overwritten). Log files can be large (over 1MB for a typical game), so you may want to grab the ones you want and delete the rest regularly. They compress well. ________________________________________________________________________________ Processing logs using t2matchlog t2matchlog should run on any machine with Perl and the Perl GD module. Place the icons directory and t2matchlog.css in the same directory as t2matchlog. The script takes two parameters: the filename of a log file, and a name for the output directory. For example: perl t2matchlog 1_CTF_Sanctuary_3 sanctuary will process the log 1_CTF_Sanctuary_3 and create the directory sanctuary with the output. The output can then be viewed in a browser or placed on a www server. ________________________________________________________________________________