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Contents of /sargasso/!Sargasso/py/task.py

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Revision 76 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sun May 15 12:37:54 2005 UTC (19 years, 8 months ago) by james
File MIME type: text/x-python
File size: 12472 byte(s)
Initial import of Sargasso 1.00.

1 #
2 # This file is part of Sargasso, http://zamez.org/sargasso
3 # Licensed under the GNU General Public License,
4 # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license
5 # Copyright 2005 James Bursa <james@semichrome.net>
6 #
8 import os
9 import urlparse
10 import wimp
11 import sargasso
12 import swi
13 import rufl
16 # styles for text: font family, style, size, text colour, background colour
17 style_feed_title = ('Homerton', rufl.regular, 200, 0x000000, 0xffaa99)
18 style_feed_title_new = ('Homerton', rufl.bold, 200, 0x000000, 0xffaa99)
19 style_feed_tagline = ('NewHall', rufl.regular, 200, 0x000000, None)
20 style_feed_error = ('NewHall', rufl.regular, 200, 0x0000a0, None)
21 style_feed_date = ('NewHall', rufl.slanted, 160, 0x0060ee, None)
22 style_feed_type = ('NewHall', rufl.slanted, 160, 0x666666, None)
23 style_entry_title = ('Homerton', rufl.regular, 200, 0x000000, 0xa0dddd)
24 style_entry_title_new = ('Homerton', rufl.bold, 200, 0x000000, 0xa0dddd)
25 style_entry_author = ('NewHall', rufl.slanted, 160, 0x666666, None)
26 style_entry_date = ('NewHall', rufl.slanted, 160, 0x0060ee, None)
27 style_entry_summary = ('NewHall', rufl.regular, 180, 0x000000, None)
30 feed_type = {
31 'rss090': 'RSS 0.90',
32 'rss091n': 'Netscape RSS 0.91',
33 'rss091u': 'Userland RSS 0.91',
34 'rss10': 'RSS 1.0',
35 'rss092': 'RSS 0.92',
36 'rss093': 'RSS 0.93',
37 'rss094': 'RSS 0.94',
38 'rss20': 'RSS 2.0',
39 'rss': 'RSS',
40 'atom01': 'Atom 0.1',
41 'atom02': 'Atom 0.2',
42 'atom03': 'Atom 0.3',
43 'atom': 'Atom',
44 'cdf': 'CDF',
45 'hotrss': 'Hot RSS',
46 '': 'Unknown',
47 }
50 default_feeds = (
51 'http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml',
52 'http://today.reuters.co.uk/rss/topNews/',
53 'http://news.ft.com/rss/home/uk',
54 'http://www.drobe.co.uk/rss.php',
55 'http://www.iconbar.com/cgi-bin/iconbar.rss',
56 'http://www.theregister.co.uk/feeds/latest.rdf',
57 'http://www.snackspot.org.uk/rss/rss.xml',
58 )
61 def init():
62 "Initialise program specific stuff"
63 global main_window, add_feed_box
64 wimp.hourglass_on()
65 iconbar_init()
66 main_window = MainWindow('main')
67 add_feed_box = AddFeedBox('add_feed')
68 wimp.poll_mask = 0
69 wimp.null_reason_handler = null_reason_handler
70 load_choices()
71 if sargasso.feeds == []:
72 for url in default_feeds:
73 sargasso.add_feed(url)
74 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
75 feed.last_status = feed.status
76 feed.window = wimp.window('main')
77 make_main_window()
78 main_window.open()
79 wimp.hourglass_off()
82 def quit():
83 "Tidy up before quitting"
84 pass
87 def iconbar_init():
88 "Setup iconbar icon"
89 global window_info, menu_iconbar
90 wimp.iconbar_icon('!sargasso', iconbar_click)
91 window_info = wimp.info_window()
92 menu_iconbar = wimp.menu('iconbar',
93 ('task', ('info', window_info), 'update', 'quit'))
96 def null_reason_handler():
97 sargasso.poll()
98 remake = False
99 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
100 if feed.last_status != feed.status:
101 remake = True
102 feed.last_status = feed.status
103 if feed.window.is_open:
104 make_feed_window(feed)
105 feed.window.refresh(0, 0, 900, 10000)
106 if remake:
107 make_main_window()
108 main_window.refresh(0, 0, 1000, 10000)
111 def iconbar_click(buttons, x):
112 "Handle click on iconbar"
113 if buttons == 2:
114 reopen = 1
115 while reopen:
116 selection, reopen = menu_iconbar.menu(x - 64, 96 + 44 * 3)
117 if selection is None:
118 pass
119 elif selection[0] == 0:
120 window_info.open_as_menu()
121 reopen = 0
122 elif selection[0] == 1:
123 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
124 feed.update()
125 elif selection[0] == 2:
126 wimp.quit()
127 elif buttons in (1, 4):
128 main_window.open_full_size(-1)
131 def make_main_window():
132 main_window.contents = []
133 y = 0
134 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
135 title = try_detail(feed.feed, 'title_detail')
136 if title == '':
137 title = feed.url
138 if len(feed.new_entries):
139 title_style = style_feed_title_new
140 else:
141 title_style = style_feed_title
142 title = MainWindowIcon(main_window, 0, y, 700,
143 title_style[0], title_style[1],
144 title_style[2], title,
145 title_style[3], title_style[4])
146 title.feed = feed
147 main_window.add_content(title)
149 status = ''
150 if feed.status == sargasso.STATUS_DONE:
151 if len(feed.new_entries):
152 status = '%i items (%i new)' % (len(feed.entries),
153 len(feed.new_entries))
154 else:
155 status = '%i items' % (len(feed.entries))
156 elif feed.status == sargasso.STATUS_ERROR:
157 status = 'Failed'
158 elif feed.status in (sargasso.STATUS_IDLE, sargasso.STATUS_FETCHING):
159 status = 'Fetching'
160 status = MainWindowIcon(main_window, 700, y, 1000,
161 title_style[0], title_style[1],
162 title_style[2], status,
163 title_style[3], title_style[4])
164 status.feed = feed
165 main_window.add_content(status)
167 status.pos[3] = title.pos[3]
168 y = title.y1
170 if feed.status == sargasso.STATUS_ERROR:
171 summary = MainWindowIcon(main_window, 0, y, 1000,
172 style_feed_error[0], style_feed_error[1],
173 style_feed_error[2], feed.error,
174 style_feed_error[3], style_feed_error[4])
175 else:
176 summary = MainWindowIcon(main_window, 0, y, 1000,
177 style_feed_tagline[0], style_feed_tagline[1],
178 style_feed_tagline[2],
179 try_detail(feed.feed, 'tagline_detail'),
180 style_feed_tagline[3], style_feed_tagline[4])
181 summary.feed = feed
182 main_window.add_content(summary)
184 y = summary.y1 + 10
185 main_window.set_extent(0, 0, 1000, y)
186 if main_window.is_open:
187 main_window.open_full_size()
190 class MainWindow(wimp.window):
192 def click(self, icon, buttons, x, y, sx, sy):
193 self.sx = sx
194 self.sy = sy
195 if wimp.window.click(self, icon, buttons, x, y, sx, sy):
196 return True
197 if buttons == 2:
198 menu = wimp.menu('menu',
199 ('task', 'add_feed', '-remove_feed', 'update'))
200 reopen = 1
201 while reopen:
202 selection, reopen = menu.menu(sx - 64, sy)
203 if selection is None:
204 pass
205 elif selection[0] == 0:
206 add_feed_box.icon_text(0, 'http://')
207 add_feed_box.open_centred()
208 add_feed_box.put_caret(0)
209 elif selection[0] == 2:
210 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
211 feed.update()
212 return True
215 class MainWindowIcon(wimp.paragraph):
217 def click(self, buttons, x, y):
218 feed = self.feed
219 if buttons == 2:
220 title = try_detail(feed.feed, 'title_detail')
221 if title == '':
222 title = feed.url
223 title = title.encode('latin1', 'replace')
224 if 30 < len(title):
225 title = title[:30] + '...'
226 else:
227 title = title
228 menu = wimp.menu('menu',
229 ('task', 'add_feed',
230 wimp.lookup('remove_feed_x') % title,
231 'update'))
232 reopen = 1
233 while reopen:
234 selection, reopen = menu.menu(self.window.sx - 64,
235 self.window.sy)
236 if selection is None:
237 pass
238 elif selection[0] == 0:
239 add_feed_box.icon_text(0, 'http://')
240 add_feed_box.open_centred()
241 add_feed_box.put_caret(0)
242 elif selection[0] == 1:
243 if feed.window:
244 feed.window.remove()
245 sargasso.remove_feed(feed.url)
246 make_main_window()
247 main_window.refresh(0, 0, 1000, 10000)
248 save_choices()
249 elif selection[0] == 2:
250 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
251 feed.update()
252 return True
253 if feed.status == sargasso.STATUS_DONE:
254 if feed.window.is_open:
255 feed.window.open_centred(-1)
256 else:
257 make_feed_window(feed)
258 feed.window.open_centred(-1)
259 if feed.new_entries:
260 feed.new_entries = []
261 make_main_window()
262 main_window.refresh(0, 0, 1000, 10000)
263 return True
266 def make_feed_window(feed):
267 w = feed.window
268 w.contents = []
269 w.y1 = 0
270 link = feed.feed.get('link', '')
271 title = try_detail(feed.feed, 'title_detail')
272 tagline = try_detail(feed.feed, 'tagline_detail')
273 modified = feed.feed.get('modified', '')
274 type = feed_type[feed.version]
275 add_para(w, style_feed_title, title, link)
276 add_para(w, style_feed_tagline, tagline, link)
277 add_para(w, style_feed_date, modified, link)
278 add_para(w, style_feed_type, type, link)
279 for entry in feed.entries:
280 link = entry.get('link', '')
281 entry_title = try_detail(entry, 'title_detail')
282 entry_author = entry.get('author', '')
283 entry_modified = entry.get('modified', '')
284 entry_summary = try_detail(entry, 'summary_detail')
285 if entry in feed.new_entries:
286 add_para(w, style_entry_title_new, entry_title, link)
287 else:
288 add_para(w, style_entry_title, entry_title, link)
289 add_para(w, style_entry_author, entry_author, link)
290 add_para(w, style_entry_date, entry_modified, link)
291 add_para(w, style_entry_summary, entry_summary, link)
292 if 'content' in entry:
293 for content in entry.content:
294 value = read_detail(content)
295 add_para(w, style_entry_summary, value, link)
296 w.set_extent(0, 0, 900, w.y1)
297 w.title(title[:98])
300 def add_para(w, style, text, url):
301 if text == '':
302 return
303 icon = FeedWindowIcon(w, 0, w.y1, 900, style[0], style[1],
304 style[2], text, style[3], style[4])
305 w.add_content(icon)
306 icon.url = url
307 w.y1 = icon.y1
310 class FeedWindowIcon(wimp.paragraph):
312 def click(self, buttons, x, y):
313 if buttons == 2:
314 return False
315 swi.swi('URI_Dispatch', '0s0', self.url)
316 return True
319 def try_detail(feed_or_item, detail_name):
320 if detail_name not in feed_or_item:
321 return ''
322 return read_detail(feed_or_item[detail_name])
325 def read_detail(detail):
326 if detail['type'] == 'text/plain':
327 t = detail['value']
328 elif detail['type'] == 'text/html':
329 t = remove_html(detail['value'])
330 else:
331 t = ''
332 return ' '.join(t.split())
335 def remove_html(s):
336 return ''.join(map(lambda z: z[-1],
337 map(lambda z: z.split('>'),
338 s.split('<'))))
341 def load_choices():
342 try:
343 f = open('Choices:Sargasso.Feeds')
344 except IOError:
345 return
346 for line in f:
347 sargasso.add_feed(line[:-1])
350 def save_choices():
351 os.mkdir('<Choices$Write>.Sargasso')
352 try:
353 f = open('<Choices$Write>.Sargasso.Feeds', 'w')
354 except IOError:
355 return
356 for feed in sargasso.feeds:
357 f.write(feed.url + '\n')
358 f.close()
361 class AddFeedBox(wimp.window):
363 def click(self, icon, buttons, x, y, sx, sy):
364 if icon == 2:
365 self.close()
366 return True
367 elif icon == 1:
368 url = self.icon_text(0)
369 scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)
370 if scheme != 'http':
371 wimp.warning(wimp.lookup('http'))
372 return True
373 sargasso.add_feed(url)
374 sargasso.feeds[-1].last_status = sargasso.feeds[-1].status
375 sargasso.feeds[-1].window = wimp.window('main')
376 save_choices()
377 self.close()
378 return True
379 return False
381 def key(self, icon, key):
382 if key == 0x1b:
383 self.close()
384 elif key == 0xd:
385 self.click(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
386 else:
387 wimp.window.key(self, icon, key)

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