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Contents of /factorcss/FactorCSS.hs

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Revision 66 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Thu Dec 30 21:22:59 2004 UTC (19 years, 11 months ago) by james
File MIME type: text/x-haskell
File size: 5258 byte(s)
Add arguments handling and help.

1 --
2 -- This file is part of FactorCSS
3 -- Licensed under the MIT License,
4 -- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
5 -- Copyright 2004 James Bursa <james@semichrome.net>
6 --
8 -- Factor a CSS stylesheet.
9 --
10 -- This tool takes a CSS stylesheet on input and produces an almost equivalent
11 -- stylesheet on output, but with rulesets split, combined, and reordered to
12 -- "factor out" common declarations. This helps reveal shared components. The
13 -- resulting stylesheet may also be smaller.
14 --
15 -- The only known case where the output is not equivalent to the input is when
16 -- the stylesheet depends on the order of rules (see CSS 2.1 6.4.1).
18 import List
19 import System
20 import Tokeniser
21 import Parser
22 import CSS
24 -- Program entry function.
25 main :: IO ()
26 main = do
27 args <- getArgs
28 interact (run args)
30 -- Produce output from arguments and input.
31 run :: [String] -> String -> String
32 run args input
33 | argument "help" args = usage
34 | null args = go factor
35 | argument "factor" args = go factor
36 | argument "explode" args = go (concatMap explode)
37 | otherwise = usage
38 where go f = (unlines . show_stylesheet . process f .
39 parser . alexScanTokens) input
41 -- Check an argument list for an argument in short or long form.
42 argument :: String -> [String] -> Bool
43 argument long args = elem short shorts || elem ("--" ++ long) args
44 where short = head long
45 shorts = (concat . filter is_short) args
46 is_short ('-':'-':_) = False
47 is_short ('-':_) = True
48 is_short _ = False
50 -- Usage help string.
51 usage :: String
52 usage = unlines ["Usage: factorcss [OPTION]... <FILE",
53 "\"Factor out\" common declarations in a CSS stylesheet by splitting, reordering,",
54 "and combining rulesets.",
55 "The stylesheet is read from standard input, and the result is produced on",
56 "standard output.",
57 "",
58 "Output mode:",
59 " -f, --factor factor out common declarations (default)",
60 " -e, --explode produce rulesets with one selector and declaration each",
61 "",
62 " -h, --help display this help and exit"]
64 -- Process a Stylesheet.
65 process :: ([Statement] -> [Statement]) -> Stylesheet -> Stylesheet
66 process f (Stylesheet charset imports stmts) =
67 Stylesheet charset imports (process_stmts f stmts)
69 -- Process a list of Statements.
70 process_stmts :: ([Statement] -> [Statement]) -> [Statement] -> [Statement]
71 process_stmts f stmts = (f . filter is_ruleset) stmts ++
72 (map (process_media f) . filter is_media) stmts ++
73 filter is_page stmts
75 -- Process a Media Statement.
76 process_media :: ([Statement] -> [Statement]) -> Statement -> Statement
77 process_media f (Media media stmts) = Media media (f stmts)
79 -- Factor a list of Ruleset Statements.
80 factor :: [Statement] -> [Statement]
81 factor = map implode_sel . groupBy eq_sel .
82 sortBy cmp_sel .
83 map implode_decl . groupBy eq_decl .
84 sortBy cmp_decl . sortBy cmp_sel .
85 concat . map explode
87 -- Explode a Ruleset Statement into an equivalent list of Ruleset Statements
88 -- with one Selector and one Declaration per Ruleset.
89 --
90 -- For example (in CSS syntax),
91 -- explode "h1, em { color: red; background-color: blue }" =
92 -- "h1 { color: red }
93 -- h1 { background-color: blue }
94 -- em { color: red }
95 -- em { background-color: blue }"
96 --
97 -- [length (explode (Ruleset sels decls)) == length sels * length decls]
98 explode :: Statement -> [Statement]
99 explode (Ruleset sels decls) =
100 concat (map (\s -> map (\d -> Ruleset [s] [d]) decls) sels)
102 -- Compare two Ruleset Statements by the Selectors in each.
103 cmp_sel :: Statement -> Statement -> Ordering
104 cmp_sel (Ruleset sels0 decls0) (Ruleset sels1 decls1)
105 | a < b = LT
106 | a == b = EQ
107 | a > b = GT
108 where a = show_selectors sels0
109 b = show_selectors sels1
111 -- Compare two Ruleset Statements by the first Declaration in each.
112 cmp_decl :: Statement -> Statement -> Ordering
113 cmp_decl (Ruleset sels0 (decl0:decls0)) (Ruleset sels1 (decl1:decls1))
114 | a < b = LT
115 | a == b = EQ
116 | a > b = GT
117 where a = show_declaration decl0
118 b = show_declaration decl1
120 -- Compare two Ruleset Statements for equality by the Selectors in each.
121 eq_sel :: Statement -> Statement -> Bool
122 eq_sel z = (== EQ) . cmp_sel z
124 -- Compare two Ruleset Statements for equality by the first declaration in
125 -- each.
126 eq_decl :: Statement -> Statement -> Bool
127 eq_decl z = (== EQ) . cmp_decl z
129 -- Implode a list of Ruleset Statements with equal lists of Selectors to a
130 -- single equivalent Ruleset Statement.
131 --
132 -- For example,
133 -- implode_sel "h1, em { color: red }
134 -- h1, em { background-color: blue }" =
135 -- "h1, em { color: red; background-color: blue }"
136 implode_sel :: [Statement] -> Statement
137 implode_sel ((Ruleset sels decls):stmts) =
138 Ruleset sels (concat (decls:(map declarations stmts)))
139 where declarations :: Statement -> [Declaration]
140 declarations (Ruleset s d) = d
142 -- Implode a list of Ruleset Statements with equal lists of Declarations to a
143 -- single equivalent Ruleset Statement.
144 --
145 -- For example,
146 -- implode_decl "h1 { color: red }
147 -- em { color: red }" =
148 -- "h1, em { color: red }"
149 implode_decl :: [Statement] -> Statement
150 implode_decl ((Ruleset sels decls):stmts) =
151 Ruleset (concat (sels:(map selectors stmts))) decls
152 where selectors :: Statement -> [Selector]
153 selectors (Ruleset s d) = s

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