t*info `main `P;status `save s `  =' =Name =Purpose L=P|Author D='@Version @4=1 th=1News Statistics R2 Analyse USENET groups R2 Email author R5,3 Visit web site R5,3 James Bursa, 2000 R2 About this program 1.40 (18 Sep 2001) R2 v  @=' = ,3 4(=100=1@ 4(=1@9JGroup name Dp!o}D,pO]5Username `05`Password  R5;sgright,pgright Close R5,3 Please choose a group R2 News statistics Analyse and display R6,3 Analyse and save R5,3 Full analysis Sradiooff,radioon Fast analysis Sradiooff,radioon Pptr_write;Kta Pptr_write;Kta;D* f  t='=/0=34 =78 Message Analysing of 8@News statistics status R2 R2 R2 <T  ='Analyse to hbdirectory  p = (\=1 d=1Start R6,3 Cancel R5,3 Pptr_write