REM Level0 PROC initt: d$(1)="Your room" d$(2)="The landing" d$(3)="The entrance hall" d$(4)="The garden" d$(5)="Outside the shed" d$(6)="The shed" d$(7)="Outside your house" d$(8)="At the warehouse" d$(9)="The rave" d$(10)="The religious preacher" d$(11)="At the factory" d$(12)="Inside the factory" d$(13)="The edge of town" d$(14)="Outside the weather station" d$(15)="The lobby" d$(16)="Outside the control room" d$(17)="The control room" d$(18)="Outside the weather station" d$(19)="The side of the stadium" d$(20)="The teleport" d$(21)="Outside the stadium" d$(22)="Inside the stadium" d$(23)="The south park entrance" d$(24)="A street" d$(25)="The park" d$(26)="The apple tree" d$(27)="The north park entrance" d$(28)="Outside the dojo" d$(29)="Inside the dojo" d$(30)="A street" d$(31)="In the apple tree" ENDP PROC long: IF p%=1 out:("You are standing in your room. It is a large room, but that's comparative to your size. A sleek electric guitar is propped up in one corner. Above it, on a shelf, are a vast collection of Iron Maiden CDs and a fish bowl.") out:("The amp for the guitar sits in a blown up mess. Too much distortion on that solo...") out:("The landing is to the west.") ELSEIF p%=2 out:("You are on the landing. The stairs lead down to the entrance hall and your room is to the east.") ELSEIF p%=3 out:("You are in the entrance hall of your house. The front door is east and the back door to the garden is west. Stairs lead upwards.") ELSEIF p%=4 out:("You are in your garden, at the south end of which is a small shed. The fish pond is empty (the fish were never fed). The garden is rather boring. You can see a wheelbarrow.") ELSEIF p%=5 out:("You are standing outside the shed.") ELSEIF p%=6 out:("The shed is full of junk and garden tools.") ELSEIF p%=7 out:("You are standing outside your house. To the north you can hear the distant sound of drum and bass.") ELSEIF p%=8 out:("You are standing outside a converted warehouse. This is where all the noise was coming from. The door is open.") out:("The street continues south and east.") ELSEIF p%=9 out:("The rave is in full swing.") IF t%(2)=0 out:("The host staggers up to you. It's Well 'Ard") out:("Baza: /""Alrite Bernard! Came 2 join da fun?"" #") t%(2)=1 ENDIF out:("You look around. There's a stack of DJ equipment including a couple of amplifiers.") ELSEIF p%=10 out:("You are stopped by a bald man clad in strange, textured garments. He is preaching his theories about flight through religious meditation. You realise that he is trying to flog you a book on Yogic Flight.") out:("You can go north, east and south.") ELSEIF p%=11 out:("You are standing outside the famous Mr. Kipling's factory. The motto stands boldly above the entrance:") out:("*""EXCEEDINGLY GOOD CAKES""") ELSEIF p%=12 out:("Inside the factory the hum of machinery dominates the airwaves.") IF t%(3)=0 out:("#Justin approaches you and you realise it was him making the low pitch humming noises.") out:("/""Oh! 'Ello!"" #he says. /""Look 'ere I know you're busy - what with saving t' world - bot, you couldn't get os some apples could you?"" #") t%(3)=1 ELSE out:("#Justin is making some pies, and you realise it was him making the low pitch humming noises.") ENDIF ELSEIF p%=13 out:("You find yourself near the edge of town. The factory is to the north, the large stadium is to the east, and the weather station looms to the south.") ELSEIF p%=14 out:("Once a harmless, people-friendly centre, the weather station is now a base of anarchy and evil. Inside, the Weather sits scheming and devising his plan for domination of the world's atmosphere.") out:("The entrance is to the south, and the centre continues to the west.") ELSEIF p%=15 out:("You are in the lobby. There's no sign of the demented meteorologist. The place stinks of booze.") out:("A corridor leads south; the entrance is north.") ELSEIF p%=16 out:("You find yourself outside a large door:") out:("*""CONTROL ROOM""") out:("#Menacing chuckles can be heard from within - to burst in would be foolish. You are dying to look inside. Your life-long complex comes back to haunt you: it was never that you were short, it was that you were very short.") out:("If only you could peep through the keyhole.") ELSEIF p%=17 IF t%(4)=0 out:("The Evil Weather swings round. He is, as you thought, seriously intoxicated. The door slams shut behind you.") out:("/""Bernard!"" #he shouts, /""sho you've found me!"" #") t%(4)=1 ELSEIF t%(5)=0 out:("/""Shtop staring at me, Bernard!"" #shouts the Weather, advancing menacingly towards you.") ELSE out:("You are in the weather station control room. The Weather is unconscious on the floor.") ENDIF out:("There is a fire exit to the north.") ELSEIF p%=18 out:("You are at the west end of the station. A door marked ""FIRE EXIT"" is to the south.") ELSEIF p%=19 out:("You are round the side of the stadium. Exits are east and west.") ELSEIF p%=20 out:("A large futuristic device stands in your way. Having watched too many episodes of Star Trek and Babylon 5 you recognise this machine to be a teleport. The entrance to the teleport is south, and the street goes north and west.") ELSEIF p%=21 out:("You are outside the stadium.") IF t%(7)=0 :out:("Your beloved Pippa is meant to be giving her concert. Why can't you hear any music?") ELSE out:("You can hear the concert inside.") ENDIF ELSEIF p%=22 out:("/""Bernie,"" #Pippa runs up to you. /""You've got to find me a microphone!""") out:("#Blinded by love, you momentarily forget your mission and reply:") out:("/""Anything for you!"" #") ELSEIF p%=23 out:("You are standing at the south entrance of the park. The street continues west, and the stadium is to the south.") ELSEIF p%=24 out:("You are standing in a boring street, which continues east and west. You can see the stadium looming to the south.") ELSEIF p%=25 out:("You are in the town park, a large grassed area with trees and benches. The park continues west, and the two entrances are north and south.") ELSEIF p%=26 out:("The apple tree looms high above you, dominating this corner of the park. There's probably a good view from the top. Underneath the tree is an old wooden bench.") IF t%(11)=0 :out:("There are no apples on the tree, as it is winter.") :ELSE :out:("There are apples high up on the tree.") :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=27 out:("You are standing at the north entrance of the park. The street continues north.") ELSEIF p%=28 out:("You are standing outside Jon's Dojo. This is the home of the rare martial art of Jondistsu. Through the window you can see young hopefuls beating each other up.") out:("The street leads west and south.") ELSEIF p%=29 out:("You are inside Jon's Dojo. This place is dedicated to the martial arts. All sorts of weapons hang from the walls. The Jonditsu emblem is printed everywhere.") out:("The young fighters wrestle with each other, and practise kicks shouting the Jonditsu chant:") out:("/""Jon-Ha!"" #") IF t%(8)=0 out:("Jon approaches you:") out:("/""Hi Bernie! Come for a bit of training? By the way - have you seen my rugby ball?"" #") t%(8)=1 ELSE out:("Jon is here, instructing some fighters.") ENDIF ELSEIF p%=30 IF t%(10)=0 out:("Gomersall is here, looking perplexed as he stares at the screen on his calculator.") IF t%(9)=0 out:("/""What's up?"" #you ask.") out:("/""I've found out the access code for that teleport on the other side of town. I was walking past and my calculator picked up some readings. Unfortunately I can't decipher it because I've lost my contact lens."" #") t%(9)=1 ENDIF ENDIF out:("The street continues east and west.") ELSEIF p%=31 out:("You are up in the tree. There is a good view of the town's landmarks: the stadium to the south, the factory to the west, and the weather station in the distance.") ENDIF ENDP PROC gn: c%=1 IF p%=5 :p%=4 ELSEIF p%=6 :p%=5 ELSEIF p%=7 :p%=8 ELSEIF p%=8 :p%=9 ELSEIF p%=10 :p%=7 ELSEIF p%=11 :p%=10 ELSEIF p%=13 :p%=11 ELSEIF p%=14 :p%=13 ELSEIF p%=15 :p%=14 ELSEIF p%=16 :p%=15 ELSEIF p%=17 :IF t%(5)=0 :out:("The Evil Weather stands in the way.") :c%=0 :ELSE :p%=18 :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=20 :p%=21 ELSEIF p%=21 :p%=23 ELSEIF p%=23 :p%=25 ELSEIF p%=25 :p%=27 ELSEIF p%=27 :p%=28 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC gw: c%=1 IF p%=1 :p%=2 ELSEIF p%=3 :p%=4 ELSEIF p%=7 :p%=3 ELSEIF p%=11 :p%=12 ELSEIF p%=14 :p%=18 ELSEIF p%=16 :IF t%(6)=0 :out:("It would be foolish to burst in without knowing who (or what) is inside.") :c%=0 :ELSE :p%=17 :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=19 :p%=13 ELSEIF p%=20 :p%=19 ELSEIF p%=21 :IF t%(7)=1 :out:("A security guard blocks your way:") :out:("/""No children allowed in the concert."" #") :c%=0 :ELSE :p%=22 :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=23 :p%=24 ELSEIF p%=24 :p%=10 ELSEIF p%=25 :p%=26 ELSEIF p%=28 :p%=30 ELSEIF p%=29 :p%=28 ELSEIF p%=30 :p%=8 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC gs: c%=1 IF p%=4 :p%=5 ELSEIF p%=5: IF t%(1) :p%=6 :ELSE :out:("The shed door is locked.") :c%=0 :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=8 :p%=7 ELSEIF p%=9 :p%=8 ELSEIF p%=7 :p%=10 ELSEIF p%=10 :p%=11 ELSEIF p%=11 :p%=13 ELSEIF p%=13 :p%=14 ELSEIF p%=14 :p%=15 ELSEIF p%=15 :p%=16 ELSEIF p%=18 :out:("The fire exit can only be opened from the inside.") :c%=0 ELSEIF p%=20 :IF t%(12)=0 out:("The entrance to the teleport is barred by a force field. A small code box is attached to the side.") :c%=0 ELSE out:("You step inside the teleport. It activates immediately, and you feel yourself disappearing...") out:("Your password for this position is *say fishfood*") tp%=1: ENDIF ELSEIF p%=21 :p%=20 ELSEIF p%=23 :p%=21 ELSEIF p%=25 :p%=23 ELSEIF p%=27 :p%=25 ELSEIF p%=28 :p%=27 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC ge: c%=1 IF p%=2 :p%=1 ELSEIF p%=4 :p%=3 ELSEIF p%=3 :p%=7 ELSEIF p%=8 :p%=30 ELSEIF p%=10 :p%=24 ELSEIF p%=12 :p%=11 ELSEIF p%=13 :p%=19 ELSEIF p%=18 :p%=14 ELSEIF p%=17 :IF t%(5)=0 :out:("The Evil Weather stands in the way.") :c%=0 :ELSE :p%=16 :ENDIF ELSEIF p%=19 :p%=20 ELSEIF p%=22 :p%=21 ELSEIF p%=24 :p%=23 ELSEIF p%=26 :p%=25 ELSEIF p%=28 :p%=29 ELSEIF p%=30 :p%=28 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC gd: c%=1 IF p%=2 :p%=3 ELSEIF p%=31 :p%=26 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC gu: c%=1 IF p%=3 :p%=2 ELSEIF p%=26 out:("You attempt to climb the tree, but the trunk is too slippery, so you don't get far.") :c%=0 ELSE nogo: :ENDIF ENDP PROC useo:(o%) LOCAL g% IF o%=1 AND p%=10 out:("You hand the man your money. The man gives you a book and scurries off to attack another atheist victim.") o%(1)=0 o%(6)=-1 score: ELSEIF o%=3 AND p%=5 AND t%(1)=0 out:("You use the knife on the lock and the door opens rustily.") t%(1)=1 score: ELSEIF o%=4 AND p%=17 out:("The weather can't resist a swig. It proves fatal. He crashes to the floor. You see a Mini Portable Weather Control System - a 'MPWCS'.") o%(4)=0 o%(10)=17 t%(5)=1 score: ELSEIF o%=5 AND p%=22 out:("/""Thanks Bernie."" #says Pippa. /""Give this to Jon, will you?"" #She hands you a rugby ball.") o%(5)=0 o%(11)=-1 t%(7)=1 score: ELSEIF o%=6 :xo:(6) ELSEIF o%=7 AND p%=12 out:("/""Oh! Thanks Bernie!"" #says Justin. /""Have a pie."" #") o%(7)=0 o%(9)=-1 score: ELSEIF o%=8 AND p%=30 out:("Gomersall puts the contact lens in his eye.") out:("/""It looks like the code from Star Trek."" #he says, and begins tapping away at his calculator. In a few moments a printout appears. /""Here you are."" #he says, handing the printout to you.") o%(8)=0 o%(13)=-1 t%(10)=1 score: ELSEIF o%=10 out:("You switch the MPWCS on. The screen lights up.") gSTYLE 16 out:("ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿") out:("³ Please choose a season: ³") out:("³ 1. Winter ³") out:("³ 2. Spring ³") out:("³ 3. Summer ³") out:("³ 4. Autumn ³") DO :g%=GET :UNTIL g%>48 AND g%<53 out:("³ <"+CHR$(g%)+"> ³") out:("ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ") gSTYLE 0 IF g%=51 AND (p%=26 OR p%=31) AND t%(11)=0 out:("The sun comes out and the tree bursts out in fruit. The machine switches itself off.") t%(11)=1 o%(7)=31 score: ELSE out:("Nothing seems to happen. You switch it off.") ENDIF ELSEIF o%=11 AND p%=29 out:("/""Thanks Bernie! Here's your reward."" #Jon hands you some ninja gloves.") o%(11)=0 o%(12)=-1 score: ELSEIF o%=12 AND p%=26 out:("You put the gloves on: climbing the tree with them is easy.") p%=31 c%=1 ELSEIF o%=13 AND p%=20 AND t%(12)=0 out:("You enter the code into the teleport, and the force field fades away.") t%(12)=1 score: ELSE out:("You can't do that") ENDIF ENDP PROC say: IF o$="ego volo volere" out:("You find yourself hovering above the ground...") IF p%=16 AND t%(4)=0 out:("...and can see through the keyhole. The Weather is at his control desk. Time is running out! You notice that he has drunk himself beyond stupidity.") IF t%(6)=0 :score: :ENDIF t%(6)=1 ELSE out:("...for a few seconds. Then the effect wears off and you hit the ground with a crash.") ENDIF ELSEIF o$="fishfood" out:("Jumping to level 2...") tp%=1 ELSEIF p%=9 out:("/""Sorry mate, I can't hear a word!"" #") ELSEIF p%=10 out:("/""The road that leads to flight can be found here,"" #says the man, waving a book.") ELSEIF p%=12 out:("/""Oh!"" #says Justin.") ELSEIF p%=17 AND t%(5)=0 out:("/""What'sh that you shay, Bernard?"" #shouts the Weather.") ELSE out:("There is no response") ENDIF ENDP